Okla. Digital Prairie – Library Services

Posted in: Club Newsletter, Featured, In The News, Reflections Articles

Susan McVey

Library Services – Susan McVey

One of the most valued services libraries provide to customers today is online access to information.  A new statewide contract with our major content vendor is allowing us to increase ease of use by removing requirements for remote access.  Read more about to how to benefit below:

Do you need access to the latest computer science news? Maybe your child has a research paper due? Are you looking for dependable health information? Perhaps you’re interested in home improvement projects or crafts?

The Oklahoma Department of Libraries has initiated a new service to help you and your family with research and information services. And it’s provided to you free online.

The online resources—including millions of full-text articles from magazines, newspapers and professional journals—have been available for use by all Oklahoma libraries and their customers. In the past, customers had to use a special username and password to access these resources outside the library… but not anymore!

Now, ODL utilizes geolocation to offer access to these resources for all Oklahomans, no matter where you live in Oklahoma. This geolocation feature recognizes all Oklahoma IP (Internet Protocol) addresses, and should provide unfettered access.

To try out this new Research + Discovery Service, go to: http://digitalprairie.ok.gov/cdm/discover;

Be aware that the three databases with Britannica in the title are NOT available through the geolocation service.  You will need to contact your local library to get a username and password to log in to the Britannica products.


The online resources include 5,646 journals and magazines that deliver full-text articles. Article abstracts are available from 18,732 additional journals and magazines to assist with more in-depth research.

More facts about this service:

  • The Research + Discovery page is part of Oklahoma Digital Prairie, ODL’s electronic library that also houses state publications, digital collections and a state government search engine. You can see all of Digital Prairie here: http://digitalprairie.ok.gov/cdm/
  • The service offers geolocation access to more than 30 EBSCO databases. Read about them here: https://libraries.ok.gov/ebsco-offerings/
  • If you have problems accessing these resources, see our troubleshooting tips below.
  • ODL uses a grant from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services to purchase statewide licenses for EBSCO and Britannica services.
  • Your local library may also have additional databases not under the statewide license so you may want to visit your local library’s website to become aware of more electronic content available to you and your family.


We hope you benefit from this service, whether on the job or at home. If you have questions or comments, contact info@libraries.ok.gov.


If you experience a problem accessing a Digital Prairie database:

  • Try it again! Or close and reopen the browser and try accessing the database again.
  • Try connecting to another Digital Prairie database.
  • Try accessing the database in another browser or on another computer, tablet or phone.
  • Try allowing pop-ups in your browser.
  • If these tips do not solve the issue, then contact EBSCO technical support at 1-800-758-5995. Tell the EBSCO technical staff that you live in Oklahoma and should have access to EBSCO through geolocation.



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