Mike McAuliffe Memorial Golf Tournament – 9-19-2022

Posted in: Club Newsletter, Featured, In The News, Reflections Articles

The Rotary Club of Oklahoma City
Presents the

Mike McAuliffe Memorial Golf Tournament

September 19, 2022 7:45am   Shotgun Start 9:00am
The Greens Golf & Country Club
13100 Green Valley Dr, Oklahoma City, OK 73120

Sign up here for Rotarians and their guests

Thank you to the following Sponsors

Lunch Sponsor $2500
Sandy & Wes Milbourn

Cart Sponsors $750
AIIM Capital Corporation
Freymiller Trucking

Team & Tee Sponsors $600
Allied Arts
Aaron S. Curry
Carl Shortt, Jr.
David Walters
Hahn-Cook/Street & Draper Funeral Directors
Innovative IT Solutions
John Settle and Paula Settle
The Greens Country Club

Breakfast Sponsor $500
Dolese Bros.

Prize Sponsors
Randy Goodman and Dick Hefton
Keep Oklahoma Beautiful
Lisa Synar
THN Insurance


Mike McAuliffe Title Sponsor– Starting at $5,000

Recognition as the Title Sponsor of the Mike McAuliffe Memorial Golf Tournament
Registration for four golfers
Recognition as a Hole Sponsor
Participation in the Awards Ceremony
Recognition in all printed materials and website
Golf for Four on agreeable date at The Greens Country Club

Lunch Sponsor – Starting at $2,500
Registration for four golfers
Recognition as a Lunch Sponsor
Recognition as a Hole Sponsor
Participation in the Awards Ceremony
Recognition printed materials and website

Breakfast Sponsor – Starting at $1,500
Registration for four golfers
Recognition as a Breakfast Sponsor
Recognition as a Hole Sponsor
Participation in the Awards Ceremony
Recognition on printed materials and website

Prize Sponsor – Starting at $1,500
Registration for four golfers
Recognition as a Hole Sponsor
Participation in the Awards Ceremony
Recognition on the printed materials and website

Cart Sponsor – Starting at $750
Company name and/or logo on golf cart
Registration for Two Golfers
Recognition on printed materials and website

Team & Hole Sponsor – Starting at $600
Registration for four golfers
Recognition as a Hole Sponsor

Individual Player – $125
Hole Sponsor – Starting at $100

Register for Rotarians and their guests

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