Strong Public Education Is Essential to Our Future
by Phil Busey
The cornerstone of our democracy has always been an emphasis on public education. Every child in this nation deserves an equal educational opportunity regardless of background, race, location, income, or family circumstance. The Founders understood the immense value of an educated populist in developing good citizens, employees, professionals and self -government. They believed a primary goal of public education was developing a “more virtuous” and successful society. In the era of enlightenment when our democracy, as a unique experiment in government, was being formed most of European society was uneducated. This was an end to a means of government control and power. Change required an educated people.
Today, public education remains essential to the well-being, strength of society and economic growth of this nation.
We have 33,000 students in the Oklahoma City Public Schools. We have far too many living in the shadows of our downtown skyline. They deserve a chance. With our help they can achieve success. There are 700,000 students in Oklahoma’s Schools. So many of these students also need help in so many ways. A critical factor we cannot ignore is Oklahoma’s economy, as all economies are intertwined with education. An educated workforce is essential to our future. We are falling short. In Aerospace and Defense, we experience challenges daily with finding trained employees. Or recruiting out of state. We have a 15% shortfall in available workforce. This affects all industries. Our public schools rank 50th nationally. The state budget for public education is $3.76B. It is not enough. It must be a funding priority.
Corporations and Boards of those companies as well as potential future employees notice. Public education is the number one benchmark they look at in determining expansion or relocation. We have so much to offer and can, together, develop a top ten public education system and we must.
Our mission as Rotarians to provide service to others and serve and improve the quality of human life requires us to look closely at our support for so many underserved children in our city, state and world to help them have the same opportunities for an education as those of means. Helping underserved children in Oklahoma City fits well with our mission. One of every four Oklahoma Children are hungry. 15% of poor citizens live below the poverty line. This is unacceptable.
There are so many ways for us, as Rotarians, to champion these children and families. We do and can do more to expand our educational outreach, volunteer for reading buddies, mentorships, supporting programs for resources in the classroom and programs for food and assistance. Every child deserves the best we can offer.
Eleven years ago, Cathy and I founded El Sistema, an after-school program for underserved children in Oklahoma City. There is no charge. The mission for social change through music. Now we serve 220 kids annually. They receive food, homework assistance, support and participate in three orchestras. We have over forty faculty. Firsthand, from experience, their needs are great. When we began, we decided to provide all the instruments to the kids. Some said don’t, “they will pawn, take, or destroy them”. We had faith this is the right thing to do. We have lost no instruments. They become prized possessions of the kids and families. Our first graduating class of 22 were awarded over $1.4M in scholarships from universities across the nation. They never imagined what they could achieve. It took someone to care. As Rotarians-we care.
There are too many students across Oklahoma who need a chance. As Rotarians we can be part of the lives of so many underserved children. It is part of our mission. It begins with embracing the idea we can make a difference in the lives of these children, regardless of circumstance. Rotary stands as an example of what good can accomplish. Yet we can accomplish so much more supporting all children in our classrooms. The future is in the classroom.