Welcome from the President

Welcome from the President It is with great enthusiasm and appreciation that I welcome you to the 2023-2024 year of the Rotary Club of Oklahoma City. As we begin this exciting journey together, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your trust, dedication, passion, and commitment to Rotary and Club 29. This […]


Interview with President Wes Milbourn

Interview with President Wes Milbourn By Emily Stratton   I am happy to have been invited for a number of years to interview our current presidents at the end of their terms in office as a special feature for the Rotary Club newsletter. Once again, I was given that opportunity and had a delightful conversation […]


Bridging Borders

Bridging Borders By Lauren Branch As an advocate for international exchanges (two of my own children participated in the Rotary exchange program), I recently had the privilege of hosting a professional fellow from India through a prestigious fellowship program sponsored by the University of Oklahoma and the U.S Department of State.  We have hosted fellows […]


Operation Overlord

Operation Overlord By Drew Edmondson This time of year has great personal meaning for me.  The first half of this month holds our wedding anniversary (6/10/1967) and Linda’s birthday (6/14).  The dates are close enough to be easily remembered and could justify a single present.  That, however, would never do. June also brings us Flag […]


What does it mean to “serve”?

                                            What does it mean to “serve”? by Paula Settle Service to me, is when I do something for a friend or even someone I don’t know, who deserves to be honored, without me […]


Tying one on at Club 29

Tying one on at Club 29 by Ted Streuli It’s Tuesday at lunchtime and I’m scanning the room. The usual faces at the usual tables, some deeply engaged in conversation, others contemplating the fate of the blueberry sugar cookies. And I notice, in the least scientific possible way, that only about half the men are […]


Act “Glocal”

Act “Glocal” by Jim Priest The phrase “think globally, act locally” has an interesting and disputed history.  According to that most reliable of sources, Wikipedia, several people claim to have coined the expression. The phrase has been attributed to Scottish town planner and social activist Patrick Geddes back in 1915. Friends of the Earth founder David […]


Paper Boys

Paper Boys by Dick Hefton The writer of a recent letter to the editor of a national newspaper declared that, “Today, it’s hard to imagine that the success of a major enterprise selling a time-sensitive product depended on an army of kids. But it worked.” And, he said, “I think I made 11 bucks a […]


Oklahoma is Great!

Oklahoma is Great! by Franci Hart The rapid running scale that opens our state song, “Oklahoma,” is probably the most thrilling musical introduction in musical theater. And it perfectly captures my excitement and appreciation for my state. Oklahoma is like no other place. It has a diverse topography and an even more diverse population. This […]


The AI/ChatGPT Paradigm Shift

The AI/ChatGPT Paradigm Shift by Bart Binning, Ed. D. The concept of paradigm shifts, popularized by philosopher Thomas Kuhn, refers to profound changes in scientific or societal frameworks that fundamentally alter our understanding of reality.  Kuhn first presented his concept of paradigms in his 1962 seminal book “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”.  The significance of […]


Words have Power

Words Have Power by Charlie Smith As a former copy editor, I’m a words guy. Yet, through 20 years of ministry, I realize the transformative truth of Joseph Sittler’s quote, “When grammar cracks, grace erupts.” I appreciate the truth of the saying attributed to St. Francis, “Preach the gospel; if necessary use words.” I cling […]


Imagine That

Imagine That By Pat Rooney Well, what to write about?  Nothing much happening in finance these days.  Just rising interest rates, the Federal Reserve’s inflation fight, California banking news and crypto’s current meltdown to name a few.  So many articles, so little time.  And even though bad news outsells good 2 to 1, I am […]

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