If you wish to make a memorial donation in honor of a rotarian, or a friend, you may do so here
You may also mail a check, made payable to:
Rotary Club 29 Foundation
625 NW 13th St. Ste 105
Okla. City, OK. 73103
Office: 405-235-5100
Cell: 405-641-2466
or email cheryl@okcrotary.com
The mission of the Rotary Club 29 Foundation is: “To Support the Philanthropic Activities of the Rotary Club of Oklahoma City.” The foundation is independent from the club, but it does not solicit or accept funding requests other than from the club, and the foundation board ultimately makes funding decisions. The board of directors of the foundation is comprised of fifteen total directors, including six directors from club leadership and nine at-large directors who do not serve on the club board. Members of the club elect three of the at-large directors. Twelve of the directors serve three-year staggered terms.
The Club 29 Foundation generally supports four types of projects. First, the Foundation accepts and distributes donations from club members designated for specific purposes, such as the annual club project, weekly pocket change donations for specified purposes, Paul Harris Fellowship donations, and donations to The Rotary Foundation through Every Rotarian Every Year. Second, the Foundation accepts grant requests made by the club for both international and domestic service projects, including projects in the Oklahoma City area. Third, the Foundation maintains a disaster relief fund, which is used to provide matching grants for disaster relief that are supported by club members. Finally, the Foundation works with individual donors of restricted funds to assist them in meeting their long-term objectives.
The Foundation is non-profit, and gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible. The Foundation accepts cash and, subject to board approval, stocks, bonds, life insurance, real estate and other personal property. The Foundation board will work closely with any donor who wishes to place restrictions on any gift to ensure that they are consistent with the purposes of the Foundation and the desires of the donor. Gifts may be made in recognition or in memory of loved ones or special friends. For additional information regarding any gift to the Foundation, call the Club 29 office at 235-5100.
Foundation assets are managed by professional investment managers, subject to oversight by the Foundation’s investment committee and board of directors. Unrestricted assets that are not necessary for short-term purposes are invested in a balanced account of equities and debt instruments and are subject to distribution only in accordance with the Foundation’s spending policy. The spending policy is designed to provide an appropriate level of support for current club projects, while protecting assets from inflation and providing a long-term source of support for the Club’s philanthropic activities.
The Foundation is the beneficiary of a Designated Fund held by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation. The OKCCF distributes a portion of these funds annually, while permanently maintaining the corpus to support the long-term needs of the Club 29 Foundation. Donors who prefer this method of giving are encouraged to support the Club 29 Foundation through gifts to this Designated Fund.
Rotary Foundation projects can be found under the projects (hyperlink to projects page) section of the website.
Club 29 Support of The Rotary Foundation
As of June 30, 2012, Club 29 has the fifth highest number of members and friends who have been named Paul Harris Fellows of all Rotary clubs in the world. Several Club 29 members are also Benefactors of The Rotary Foundation. Paul Harris Fellows and Benefactors are affiliated with Club 29, and programs of The Rotary Foundation. Club 29’s most ambitious project for The Rotary Foundation was our 5-year Polio Plus pledge of $150,000 that was completed in 1992.
In 2005, Club 29 adopted Every Rotarian Every Year, a program through which every member of Club 29 contributes $100 annually to The Rotary Foundation. These contributions qualify Club 29 members as Sustaining Paul Harris Fellows, and a member’s cumulative contributions to The Rotary Foundation are used to qualify them for recognition as a Paul Harris Fellow. Through this program alone, Club 29 has provided $329,225 since 2005 to The Rotary International Foundation.
Most donations to The Rotary Foundation by Club 29 members are made through the Club 29 Foundation. Cumulative donations from Club 29 members to The Rotary Foundation, including contributions by Paul Harris Fellows total $960,079.31.
Donor Recognition
Club 29 members are encouraged to support both the Club 29 Foundation and The Rotary Foundation. The Rotary Foundation recognizes a donor of $1,000 or more as a Paul Harris Fellow or and those who make a deferred gift in that amount as a benefactor. Similarly, the Club 29 Foundation recognizes significant gifts by naming as a community fellow any individual who donates $1000, and by naming as a community benefactor any individual who makes a deferred gift of $1,000 or more by will, trust, insurance policy or other methods of deferred giving. In 2005, the foundation became the beneficiary of a trust created under the will of former Club 29 member Alfred C. Leonhardt, resulting in the largest single gift to the foundation. For additional information contact the Rotary office at 405-235-5100.