-Leonard Sullivan
A man was once asked if he could be anyone he wanted to be, who would he wish to be? His reply was “I would like to be the only plumber in a city of millionaires.” Most of us generally benefit from the successes of our neighbors. We need a concentration of business and industrial activities to create jobs for the masses, just as the business and industrials need a concentration of people to let them continue to grow and prosper.
Don’t we wish our city had more Hamms, Bennets, Nichols, McClendons, Golsons, Loves, or those great “builders” from the past such as the Gaylords, Kerrs, Eddys, Voses, Golsons, Hefners, Noricks, Adkissons, Jones, Goldmans and Anthonys and dozens of others who brought their energy, ideas, talents, and capital to our city and state which brought hundreds of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in capital. We are all still benefiting from the growth and momentum they gave our city and state.
We are now waiting for that new generation to propel us into the next layer of the stratosphere. The young people are out there today that will provide that “Booster Rocket.” These thinkers, planners, dreamers, and risk takers are waiting their turn. It is exciting trying to imagine where this new generation will propel our city.