The energy industry faces several workforce gaps, some similar to the rest of the country, some more amplified. The generational bubble created as Baby Boomers retire is causing an experience gap our nation has never encountered before. We continue to struggle with equal leadership opportunities, remuneration (or compensation), and board representation for women. We all benefit from a diverse workforce and we must proactively address these challenges. Marcia will speak to how we bridge the gaps in this arena.
Likewise, Greg left Tulsa to join Deloitte on the east coast for some 10 years and returned to Tulsa a few years ago. He recognized the difference in terms of the number of women and minorities who have a seat at the board tables in the Midwest vs the east coast. It became a part of his mission for Deloitte to help build opportunities and awareness through education and networking opportunities. With this in mind, he helped advocate for the establishment of a Women in Energy Chapter in Oklahoma by holding women’s forums in Oklahoma City and Tulsa. The Oklahoma chapter was just recently approved and kicking off this month. Marcia shared the vision for this chapter and, therefore, WPX Energy was also supportive of this initiative.