Social Media / Public Relations
Time Commitment: As Needed
- Update social media regularly.
- Promote the service of Rotary Club 29 to the community.
- Ensure the media is informed regarding speakers and Rotary events.
- Coordinate media coverage of Rotary events.
- Prepare press releases for appropriate activities of the club.
- Provide a photographer at all club events.
Time Commitment: As Needed
- Research and create web-based and mobile technologies to enhance interclub communications and interactive dialogue.
- Oversee the design and content of the Rotary Club 29 presence on the website.
- Weekly updates of information on the website in coordination with the club office.
Rotary News & Reflections
Time Commitment: Weekly duty dispersed between committee members throughout the year
- Submit or have submitted weekly Reflections Articles.
- Oversee the sale and placement of advertisements.
- Oversee the weekly preparation of the Rotary News.