Reflections – Club 29 and the Okla. City Bombing
by Jim Daniel, President 1994-1995
I have been a member of the Rotary Club 29 of Oklahoma City for over forty years. Have also had perfect attendance during all those years. It was blessing to me to be elected president of the club in 1995 when the Murrah bombing took place on April 19, 1995 in Oklahoma City.
This was a tragic event with 168 people killed, and 680 injured. We all knew many of those people, and the last deceased person pulled out of the bombing was a lady i started working with at an Oklahoma City bank on the same day in 1962. She was a great lady and a great friend.
This event was tragic for all Oklahomans and to see all of our hearts joined together helped establish a miraculous unified caring event for all of the damages done and the many families who were desperately impacted.
Our Rotary Club 29 which was and still is one of the largest rotary clubs in the world did dramatic things to unite our hearts together and reach out to be an example of unified caring for all Oklahomans and people throughout the world.
Our members were quick to unite and serve the families impacted as well as all of Oklahoma. In fact our club members raised over $700,000 to distribute to those in need and make ourselves available to personally help and assist all who were impacted.
We are seeing these same kind of events having impact in our world today, and our wonderful club members are joining with others under the Lord’s direction to make a difference today.
May we all extend our heart felt caring moments for those in need in our communities and other places in our world in these challenging days.
“These are the days our Lord hath made. Let us all rejoice and be glad in them”. Each one of us can reach out and let others see Jesus in us.
Jim Daniel
Thank you, Jim.
Thank you for being the example and inspiration you manifest in your daily comings and goings.