Soundtrack of your life
by Charlie Smith
What is on your playlist? I admit that although I am a minister, some of the music I listen to while running is not rated G. Because it is all about the beat and not the lyrics. I also often use an app on my phone that provides the voice of a coach in my ear. That voice of encouragement and inspiration can be invaluable during a long run, especially when I mentally flame out and thoughts of doubt, despair and defeat cloud my brain.
We all go through tough times in life. When we feel broken. Shattered. Beaten. When we want to give up. And at our weakest point, we find strength. We rediscover joy. Sometimes that salvation comes through others. For me, it also occurs through music, whether in running or in everyday life. Call them soundtrack moments in our lives. I mark moments of weakness, of uncertainty, of a range of emotions, of seeming defeat turned into strength and victory, by music.
Think how music affects us. Music transports us back into our memories, long-ago times with family and friends. When I hear familiar music, it stirs something deep within me. I remember family members’ funerals, or where I was when I first heard the tune. I am partial to classic rock that stirs high-school and college memories. I have been known to crank up the volume and pound the dashboard when certain songs play on the radio.
There will always be storms to face, and there will be tragedies. There will be times that try out souls. But when we most need it, in our moments of greatest weakness, we are given strength. We must listen for the music, the soundtracks of our lives. We must sing out, weakened and shattered by stress and anxiety, as a way to tell the world that though we may be broken, we will remain strong.
What is the soundtrack of your life? What music inspires you? It is not musical, but these words from that great philosopher Winnie the Pooh come to mind: “You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
GREAT words!! Thanks.