Desctiption goes here: What is Membership?
New Member Recruitment and Classification
- Recruitment of potential new members for the Club.
- Review of new member applications and recommendation to the Board regarding all applicants.
- Review and modify as needed, the classification system of Club 29 as specified by the Club Constitution and the Club by-laws.
- Recommend changes in classification of members of the Club as needed.
Membership Retention
- Monitor attendance and participation of Club members and initiate activities to encourage retention.
- Review letters of resignation and contact resigning Rotarians to explore ways that their membership may be extended.
- Forward letters of resignation to the Board of Directors with the recommendation of the Membership Retention Committee.
New Member Involvement/Mentors
- Oversee activities of the new members.
- Make the new members’ absorption into Club 29’s activities as smooth as possible.
- Ensure that new members are assigned to a committee as soon as possible.
Club 29/New Member Breakfast
- Conduct regular weekly breakfast meetings for the purpose of providing members the opportunity to learn more about the members and activities of the Club.
- Arrange for one breakfast program per month focused on new member education, for the purpose of ensuring an understanding of the object to Rotary, pride in membership and immediate participation in the activities of the Club.
- Arrange programs for the other breakfast meetings focused on providing vocational information about members of the Club.
- Conduct semiannual new member welcoming events for the purpose of better acquainting new members into the fellowship of Rotary.
- Coordinate these activities with the New Member Indoctrination and Introduction Committee.
New Member Orientation
- Ensure that new members are invited to a Club Board meeting as soon as possible after acceptance into the Club.
- Present information to new members regarding the history, objectives, scope, customs, and activities of the Club.
- Inform new Rotarians of the requirements for continued membership in Rotary.
- Coordinate with the New Member Breakfast Committee to insure that new members are properly welcomed into and quickly become part of Club 29.