The Year of Reinvention
by Karen Wicker
Happy New Year!
I have the privilege of writing the first Rotary Reflections of 2025. It only seems fitting to talk about New Year’s resolutions.
There is something magical about January that allows us to start over, dream new dreams, or change a bad habit or two. Whether you want to exercise more, be kinder to strangers or finally clean out your crowded closet, I hope you take the time to hit the reset button and enjoy the outcome of your decisions.
I personally experienced this phenomenon last fall when I stepped into a new role in my businesses. After more than a dozen years as its leader, I turned over the reigns to the next generation. While I continue to play a Founder’s role, I am no longer responsible for the day-to-day operation, which is both liberating and, well, widely different.
This duality is what I hope for each of you in 2025. As Rotarians, we are called to service by promoting peace, fighting disease, supporting education, protecting the environment, helping economies grow and much more. Because Rotary has a full spectrum of options, there is unlimited potential to serve your local and global communities.
So, leap into this new year to embrace Rotary’s spectrum of possibilities. Sign up for a different committee, greet people at the door or give up your usual table to find a new face, our two. As Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
From my own recent experience, embracing reinvention is more intentional than easy. However, it does bring unexpected and beautiful opportunities if we only seek them out.
May 2025 be a year of positive and phenomenal change for all!
Karen Wicker
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