When we get what we don’t want

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“When we get what we don’t want”

 by Jim Priest


A Facebook post of a friend reminded of some of funny sayings uttered by kids when they don’t get what they want.


Tim described a time when his now adult son was a little guy demanding to be given some treat at the store. ‘No, we’re not buying that” my friend replied in his best Dad-boss tone.  To which his son replied, “Have things gotten that bad?”


Another friend told the story of his son who, years ago, was both an ardent disciple of television commercials and a firm believer in getting his own way.  The boy had watched TV commercials sponsored by the federal Housing and Urban Development agency advocating home ownership.  When his parents enforced a rule in the home he didn’t like the boy put on a grumpy face, crossed his arms and grumbled, “I’m gonna get me a HUD home!”


None of us always get what we want and sometimes we get what we don’t want.


When I lost the statewide race for Oklahoma Attorney General in 2010 a number of friends sent me condolences by reminding me of the country song,  “Thank God for unanswered prayers.”


Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
Remember when you’re talkin’ to the man upstairs
That just because he may not answer doesn’t mean he don’t care
Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.


I have a friend who recently lost an extremely high level executive position. (No one local). The organization had courted her.  Wooed her.  Promised her.  Won her heart.  But an internal faction had it in for her.  She was competition and a threat to the status quo.  She would likely upset their apple carts.


So they treated her unfairly.  Lied about her.  Set her up for failure. Forced her out of a position she was uniquely qualified and gifted for.  If it’s not too glib to describe it this way, it seemed to me like she got a big spoonful of poison when her mouth was set for a delicious dessert.


I’ve had a few occasions when I lost battles I think I should have won.  Been slipped a mickey.  Hit by an unexpected twist in the road.  So have you.


How we respond in those moments calls on a survival instinct deep inside.  In those times my Dad’s often spoken advice comes to my ear. “This too shall pass”.  He was right.


And as Winston Churchill recommended in World War II, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”  You are not defined by our failures.  You are defined by our character.

4 Comments for : When we get what we don’t want
  1. Excellent, as always, Jim. Thank you.

    • Dennis Shockley
    • August 26, 2024

    Jim, I’m reminded of the third verse of Amazing Grace:

    Through many dangers, toils and snares,
    I have already come;
    ’Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
    And grace will lead me home.

    • Cliff Dougherty
    • August 26, 2024

    Love it!

    • Rick Vermillion
    • August 27, 2024

    Jim, a great article! So much truth and your way of sharing was fantastic!

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