Victor Flores
Victor is a passionate business leader focused in Indian Country. He passionately pursues excellence, adventure and authenticity in life. He holds a Masters of Business Administration and Finance from Oklahoma Christian University and a Masters of Healthcare Administration and Accounting from Trinity University in San Antonio, TX. With his financial acumen, he has taken a leadership role in supporting the advancement and promotion of the economic impact that Tribal Nations have throughout Oklahoma.
He is the President and Founder of the Oklahoma Tribal Finance Consortium. He is also a Principal for REDW, LLC and runs the Oklahoma regional office. REDW, LLC is the nation’s largest accounting firm serving Indian Country. He has successfully completed and rolled out the Oklahoma Native Economic Impact Study (www.oknativeimpact.com). Prior to his current roles, Victor has served in many tribal government and enterprise leadership positions as well as senior leadership positions in private sector healthcare organizations. Victor is a major advocate for financial literacy and education. Along with being an adjunct professor for Southern Nazarene University, he was also instrumental in creating the OSU Tribal Finance and Accounting program. He serves as a regular speaker at many economic roundtable summits and public education opportunities. His emphasis has been to educate Oklahomans and Oklahoma businesses on the value, partnerships and support Tribal Nations consistently and traditionally provide to Oklahoma communities throughout the state. He also routinely hosts the Celebrating Tribal Communities event which brings together Oklahoma state legislature, state community leaders, state business leaders and tribal leaders to recognize and applaud the collaborative efforts of Tribal Nations with Oklahoma communities and Oklahoma businesses.
In addition to his Tribal Government efforts, Victor also serves the greater Oklahoma City community on multiple Chambers of Commerce including OKC, Asian Chamber, American Indian Chamber and Hispanic Chamber. His philanthropy efforts include education efforts at various universities, financial literacy efforts, serving on multiple community boards, and supporting numerous non-profit organizations. In 2022, Victor was recognized as one of the top most influential people in Oklahoma by The Journal Record’s 2022 Power List. Victor is a servant leader that is enthusiastic about serving his community and the state of Oklahoma. He has an abundance mindset and endeavors to support collaborative efforts between organizations throughout the state in hopes that all of Oklahoma rises together. “There is immense power and sustainable economic progress when communities unite together in mutual respect to achieve a common goal,” says Victor, in which he strives to exemplify in his leadership roles.
Andrea Schultz – Executive Director – Asian District
Chair of the Day/Moderator
Thuan “Toon” Nguyen is the Chief Executive Officer and Owner of THN Insurance Solutions that primarily focuses on taking care of the Asian cultural market for their insurance needs. He is passionate and dedicated to working within that community to guide them with their financial objectives. Professionally, he is a member of NAIFA, NAHU, and IIAO. He is a member of the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce and a past member of Oklahoma State Chamber.
Thuan has worked in the insurance industry since 2009. Prior to that, you could find him doing research for Oklahoma Medical Research or at Penn State College of Medicine. He has a BS in Biochemistry from the University of Oklahoma and a Masters in Biostatistics and Epidemiology from OU Health Science Center, College of Public Health. Throughout his scientific career he has been published as a co-author in different scientific journals including Nature. His scientific background includes genome, genetics, gene expression studies, cancer, and autoimmune disease research. However, during the 2008 economic challenges, he went on a whim and started in the insurance business. In 2011, Thuan started his own independent insurance agency and has been growing in his insurance business with a focus on the multicultural market.
Thuan served as the President of the Asian District Cultural Association and has a passion for promoting and preserving OKC’s diverse Asian cultures. Nguyen loves to serve his community and is actively involved in multiple nonprofit organizations around Oklahoma City. He is a recent graduate of Leadership Oklahoma City’s Class XXXVIII (Best class ever!!!) and Oklahoma Arts Council Leadership Arts Class VI. He was appointed by Mayor David Holt as an Urban Design Commissioner in December of 2018 and is actively serving in this role. He also currently serves on the Human Rights Task Force, Superintendent Joy Hofmeister’s Equity Advisory TaskForce, and the Oklahoma County Health Department Steering Committee on Health Equity, board of directors for the Asian Health Coalition, and Treasurer for the Oklahoma Health Equity Network. He was one of the founders of the Asian Chamber of Oklahoma and the Asian District Cultural Association. He has been an instrumental player in bringing the Asian Night Market Festival to OKC and revitalization efforts that have happened with the Asian District. He was a graduate of the Neighborhood Leaders for Today 2018 program sponsored through Neighborhood Alliance.
He was also appointed by Mayor Holt to the MAPS 4 Citizen’s Advisory subcommittee on Connectivity. He serves on EMBARK’s BRT Stakeholder’s Advisory Committee, as a new board member of Sister Cities Oklahoma and as a panelist at the Bridge Conference 2021 on how to be Stronger Together. He is also a current member of the minority leadership subcommittee for Urban League, the Department of Commerce, and the Oklahoma County Health Department Diversity, Minority and Equity Advisory Board. In his spare time, he volunteers with the Oklahoma Medical Reserve Corps and has been engaged since the beginning of COVID-19 testing and the vaccination POD.
Thuan has a third-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and competed in the Junior World Competition ranking third in the world in his weight division in the early 1990s. One of his current hobbies include his love of saltwater aquariums. He loves spending time with family and friends experiencing food of different cultures. His favorite sidekick is his puppy named Tayley Nguyen.