Resolve to be Engaged – Fred Morgan
Resolve To Be Engaged By: Fred Morgan Happy New Year my fellow Rotarians. Every year, I reflect on the previous year and create a list of resolutions or goals for the new year. Like most people, I accomplish some while I fail miserably on others. With a tumultuous, divisive election behind us, it is once […]
Development Goes West in 2017 – Cathy O’Connor
Development Goes West in 2017 Cathy O’Connor Bricktown, Midtown and Deep Deuce are just a few Oklahoma City areas that have enjoyed an economic renaissance. Now developers have their eyes—and their investments—to the west. As we start 2017, there are several developments in construction phase or that have just been completed in west downtown OKC. […]
It’s That Special Time of Year Again – Ron Page
It’s That Special Time of Year Again By Ron Page The Holidays leave in their wake “Christmas stress”, that malady associated with such things as: • Inadvertent omission of a friend from the Christmas Card list • Failure to receive a Christmas card from a friend • Being invited to too many parties • […]
Robert Medley 1938-2016
Robert (Bob) Lynn Medley Sr. Bob passed away December 23, 2016, after a brief battle with small cell lung cancer. He died at home surrounded by his children and grandchildren. Read his obituary. A viewing was held from 8am-4pm on Wednesday, December 28, at Smith & Kernke Funeral Home. 14624 N. May Avenue, Oklahoma City, […]
Ringing the Bell – Susan McVey
Ringing the Bell One of the Rotary Club 29 annual events is the day members ring the bell for the Salvation Army all across Oklahoma City. It must be a mammoth job to organize all the volunteers, fill the slots, and keep everything moving smoothly. Club 29 has been participating in the event since 1943 […]
2017-18 Rotary Board
Congratulations to the 2017-18 Rotary Officers and Directors Taking office July 1, 2017 Directors – 2 Year Term Directors – 1 year term Foundation Board – 3 year Term
The First Disrupters – Pat Rooney
The First Disrupters By Pat Rooney In business today, much is being made about new companies using new technologies to “disrupt” old business lines that may not have adapted to new technological methods. Communications, banking and transportation are all being challenged in this way. In his new New York Times best seller “The Rise and […]
Bass-Ass Librarians – Dick Hefton
THE BAD-ASS LIBRARIANS OF TIMBUKTU and their race to save the world’s most precious manuscripts! That’s the title of a book I found, not at the bookstore, but in a short review in the August issue of ROTARIAN. Believe me; I was not looking for a subject for a sequel to my column in April […]
Wings of Rotary – June 2017
The dates for the Outbound Wings of Rotary trip are June 17 to June 29, 2017. Applications are due December 31, 2016, and may be found on the District 5750 website under committees. This is a life-changing experience and is open to any rising highschool junior or senior. The cost of the trip is $2300, […]
That for which I give Thanks – John Frost
“That for Which I Give Thanks” Let’s go beyond the turkey and dressing, the eggnog and pumpkin pie, family and friends, and football games. It’s time for reflection on those people, those chance events and Providence for which one can be truly thankful. I believe in Providence. I believe there is a Spiritual Force which […]
Early Television – Leonard Sullivan
“EARLY TELEVISION” I still have my parent’s first television which was purchased in about 1950 or 1951. When I see that old set in the garage, I can’t help but recall the early days of television. There was only one channel, WKY. Most programming was live, local and produced in studio. The programming came on […]
Officers and Directors Voting – Online
2016 Election of 2017-18 Officers and Directors – The name of the header of the email will be “Rotary Club of Oklahoma City” but the email address will be ““ Due to this email address being new to your email servers, please check your spam folders if you don’t see the email in your inbox […]