Club 29 is continuing its long-standing project to distribute dictionaries to the third-graders in the greater OKC area.
This year Club 29 will distribute approximately 7,000 dictionaries to schools in the Oklahoma City, Putnam City and Western Heights public school districts and to additional private and parochial schools city-wide.
Success is possible only through a very generous commitment of Rotarians’ time and effort. Many Rotarians have already signed up to deliver the books, BUT AT LEAST 25 ADDITIONAL VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to deliver books and/or to prepare the books for delivery.
Please see Rotarian Dick Wegener’s daughter, Carly Tribbey, at the sign-up table in the back of the room immediately after lunch if you are willing to volunteer. Help is needed to label and sort the books on Monday, September 26th from 4 pm to 7 pm and continuing each day that week until that task is done. So, come and join us for one or more of those important work days. Sign up with Carly or email Ron Stakem at
Rotarians who will deliver to the schools will obtain from Carly Tribbey their school assignments, including the name and phone number of the Principal to call to schedule a time to deliver. Rotarians can pick up the books they will deliver at the NewView Oklahoma office at 501 N. Douglas, OKC during business hours 9 am to 4 pm on Thursday, September 29 and Friday, September 30, 2016. If you are unable to pick up your books during those times, get them earlier that week during a work session or email Ron Stakem at to make special arrangements.
All deliveries should be completed, if possible, in OKCPS by Fall Break which starts after school on Friday October 7, 2016, and to all schools as soon thereafter as possible. by October 31.
Special thanks to Carly Tribbey and to Rotarian Lauren Branch, Executive Director of NewView Oklahoma.