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Rotary Club of Okla. City Preparedness Plan
“Riding the Storm – Drones and the Future of Weather Forecasting”
Jamey Jacob is the Director of the OSU Unmanned Systems Research Institute John Hendrix Chair and Professor of Aerospace Engineering in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Oklahoma State University. He was born in Oklahoma City and grew up in Mustang OK.
He is currently lead on a $5 million NASA project to use drones to aid in future weather prediction and reporting for advanced aerial mobility, including drones and urban air taxis.
Brittany Attaway is the Director of Community Relations and Business Development for DRG, a leading global aerospace defense contractor based in Oklahoma City. DRG is a total training systems integrator and prime contractor for several major U.S. Department of Defense programs. The company is also a subcontractor on many other mission-critical programs for an array of aircraft, providing mission crew training, aircrew training, simulator services, and logistics services with well over 100 locations across the world.
Brittany is a graduate of Oklahoma City University and grew up on a wheat and cattle farm in northwest Oklahoma. She joined DRG in January 2020 and assists with business development strategies for DRG’s Professional Services and Commercial Procurement divisions, as well as helps oversee the company’s community outreach initiatives. She also supports DRG’s workforce development efforts through special trainings and events hosted by the company.
Brittany is a community volunteer through the Junior League of Oklahoma City, a recent graduate of Leadership Oklahoma City LOYAL Class XV, and a vocalist for the worship band at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, where her husband Josh is the Edmond Campus Pastor. She is proud new mom to five month old daughter, Lucy.