Rotary Club of Oklahoma City
COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
The Rotary Club of Oklahoma City is committed to providing a safe and healthy meeting for our members and staff. To ensure that, we have developed the following COVID-9 Preparedness Plan. Our goal is to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 in our meetings, and that requires full cooperation among our members, staff, and our partners at St. Luke’s. Only through this cooperative effort can we establish and maintain the safety of our meetings.
These guidelines were creating using CDC, State of Oklahoma, City of Oklahoma City and Rotary International recommendations. These guidelines are subject to change and all staff and members will be notified weekly of any changes.
In-Person Meeting
- To ensure proper social distancing at our meetings, attendance will be capped at 100 members.
- Reservations will be required to help ensure we are able to maintain social distancing and not exceed the 100-member cap.
- To help minimize physical contact with items and allow for social distancing, printed name badges will be provided using the reservation list and available at our registration table.
- Our members are our priority. As such, no guests will be allowed while our attendance is capped to ensure our members have first access to take part.
- It is recommended that all members wear a face mask when they are not eating to help prevent the spread of germs. Face masks will be available and provided by the Club.
- We recommend no handshaking or physical contact.
- Tables will be spaced accordingly throughout the Christian Life Center with seating for three persons at each table.
- We have returned to a served buffet option. If the communal spread should force the club to reduce the in-person attendance, we will be provide a set box lunch option that may be picked up at a table next to registration. While we understand a boxed lunch does not provide the same flexibility in diet and food choices as our buffet, this option will ensure the highest safety standards for our members.
- Each seat will have a pre-packaged Rotary dessert and bottle of water.
- St. Luke’s food service staff will all be wearing face masks and gloves.
- If you do not feel well or have had a fever in the past 24-hours prior to the meeting, we ask you please do not attend.
Live Stream Meeting
- For those members unable to join us in person, we will be live streaming our lunch meetings utilizing St. Luke’s United Methodist Church’s platform. The link will be made available in our weekly newsletter and online in the speaker announcement.
- Members watching online will have the opportunity to ask questions of our speaker using the embedded chat feature should time allow.
- Members will be asked to submit their name in a form to show they were present online for attendance purposes. The link will be provided in the live stream platform and shared in the chat feature.
- The live stream site is cross-platform compatible including iPhone and Android; Google Chrome is the recommended viewing platform.