Oklahoma City More Than its Downtown

Cathy O’Connor Downtown Oklahoma City’s renaissance receives much of our attention thanks to MAPS, TIF districts and the many other developments that make up OKC’s core. What goes on across the rest of the metro can sometimes get lost in our day-to-day discussion. However, these developments outside of downtown represent an incredibly important part of […]


Experience History

Pat Rooney “Experience History” 2.3.15 “The only new thing in the world is the history you don’t know.” Harry S. Truman This quote struck home as I recently picked up the classic book about the history of Texas called Lone Star by T. R. Fehrenbach. At the encouragement of my son who was singing the book’s […]


Jeffrey Hickman

Speaker of the Oklahoma State House In February of 2014, the Oklahoma House of Representatives overwhelmingly elected Rep. Jeff Hickman as Speaker of the House.As the elected representative of District 58, Speaker Hickman has represented Alfalfa, Major, Woods and northeast Woodward counties in the Oklahoma House of Representatives since 2004. Dedicated to conservative values, responsible […]


Trent England

Vice President for Strategic Initiatives Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs Trent England serves as Vice President for Strategic Initiatives at the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, where he also is the David and Ann Brown Distinguished Fellow for the Advancement of Liberty and directs the Center for the Constitution & Freedom. He is the National […]

Club 29 LOGO

Service Above Self

By Ron Page Rotary, as an organization, demonstrates “Service Above Self” every day in our ongoing support of countless efforts targeting social and health issues locally and world-wide. But, as individuals, Rotarians perform those little acts that say “Service Above Self” in a more subtle way: returning phone calls promptly in spite of a busy […]


Stanley C. Jones, MD

Co-Founder, Chief Medical Officer of Celltex Therapeutics Dr. Jones is a world-renowned spine surgeon whose luminary patients have included Texas Governor Rick Perry and Heisman Trophy winner, NFL Hall of Famer and Houston Oiler running back Earl Campbell. He is a leader in his field and a staunch advocate for the healing properties of adult stem […]

Club 29 LOGO

Board Policy on Video Recording of Luncheon Meetings

BOARD POLICY ON VIDEO RECORDING OF LUNCHEON MEETINGS AND WEBSITE POSTING OF THESE RECORDINGS The Board of Directors of Club 29 has adopted a policy regarding the video recording of the club’s weekly luncheon meetings and the posting of these recordings on the club’s website. The general practice of Club 29 will be (1) to […]


Investing in Human Capital

Paul Moore “Investing in Human Capital” – 1.20.15 Over the years since I first started reading them in 1992, Rotary News columns have often been excellent. Some offered wonderful insights into the lives and thoughts of fellow club members; others intrigued me with ideas and observations about our city, state, nation, and world. I hope […]


Thoughts on making the New Year a Better One

– Susan McVey The end of one calendar year and the beginning of another lends itself to reflection, review, forecasts, resolutions, and the launching of new initiatives. Many of us have probably engaged in at least one or more of these during the last few days. In fact, if we were to share our lists, we […]


Dr. Terry Neese

Institute for Economic Empowerment of Women ” From Cookietown to Global Entrepreneur” Dr. Terry Neese has spent over thirty (30) years finding careers for men and women.  She has dedicated her career to assist/mentor others in their search for life/work sustainability as the founder of Terry Neese Personnel Services.  TNPS is a multi-million dollar staffing […]

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