Great Library builds Community- Susan McVey
“A great community is built around a great library and a great library builds a great community.” –Lisa Scottoline at the 2017 Literary Voices event Every spring the Metropolitan Library System Endowment Trust sponsors an author dinner to raise funds for library programs and services, to encourage the love of reading and literacy in […]
Coming Attractions – Lance McDaniel
Coming Attractions By Lance McDaniel Editor’s Note: From Time to time we offer guest columnists an opportunity to discuss upcoming events in OKC. Fellow Rotarians, The 2017 film festival is coming up June 8-11. The festival will start on Thursday night on the rooftop of the Museum of Art and continue through the weekend with […]
Losing sleep over “Fake news” – Dick Hefton
“Losing sleep over “FAKE news”? RX: Don’t love your local newspaper to DEATH!” False reporting, a non sequitur called “Fake News”, for the most part rolls out of undisciplined sensationalist self-serving outlets –generally of a cyber nature, but put to compounded use by the so-called mainstream press to cover their biased journalistic transgressions. Now “bias” […]
Right Place-Right Time – Leonard Sullivan
RIGHT PLACE –RIGHT TIME – Leonard Sullivan I graduated from the U.S. Army Basic Officers’ School at Ft. Lee. Virginia in 1959. I got that first leave and I was eager to get back to Oklahoma to see my wife and new baby girl. I hitched a ride on an AF plane from Bolling AFB […]
Prosperity: A Mystery No Longer – John Frost
Prosperity: A Mystery No Longer “Don’t look back! Something (or somebody) might be gaining on you.” Leroy “Satchel” Paige, Hall of Fame baseball pitcher. America exists in a competitive worldwide environment. Every country strives to achieve prosperity for itself, its citizens and its friends and allies. In may humble observations, I have come to […]
States’ Rights for Progressives – Bart Binning
A New Definition of States’ Rights for Progressives? The reaction to the election of Donald Trump as President, has upended the American political landscape. The “Yes California Independence Campaign” is attempting to gather just under 600,000 signatures to put the succession measure on the 2018 ballot (would require a US Constitutional amendment). Trump supporters have […]
A Question of Size – Pat Rooney
A Question of Size By Pat Rooney Much has been made in recent years of the fact that Club 29 is now the “Largest Rotary Club in the World.” We announce it from the podium, we applaud it frequently, and generally take pride in this. And it’s not a bad thing. The implication here is […]
Rotary Reflections – Stan Hupfeld
Routinely I hear things on the radio that both surprise, distress, and irritate me? I have such an experience every morning when I drive to work. I am told there is a deep and nefarious secret that credit card companies do not want me to know. The secret is I don’t have to pay my […]
Favorite Last Lines – Emily Stratton
Favorite Literary Last Lines by Emily Stratton The final lines in novels can be important. They may have impact, be memorable, complete the story or just indicate how the characters will go forward. Margaret Mead ends Gone with the Wind with a simple line that remains relevant in today’s busy times. Scarlett O’Hara, in her […]
My Office Window Overlooks Downtown – Paul Moore
My Office Window Overlooks Downtown Paul Moore Three days a week, I work as the President and CEO of the Executive Service Corps (ESCCO.) This is a perfect “retirement job” for me as it means I can still help make a difference in a community that I love enough to have moved here twice. But […]
Resolve to be Engaged – Fred Morgan
Resolve To Be Engaged By: Fred Morgan Happy New Year my fellow Rotarians. Every year, I reflect on the previous year and create a list of resolutions or goals for the new year. Like most people, I accomplish some while I fail miserably on others. With a tumultuous, divisive election behind us, it is once […]
Development Goes West in 2017 – Cathy O’Connor
Development Goes West in 2017 Cathy O’Connor Bricktown, Midtown and Deep Deuce are just a few Oklahoma City areas that have enjoyed an economic renaissance. Now developers have their eyes—and their investments—to the west. As we start 2017, there are several developments in construction phase or that have just been completed in west downtown OKC. […]