Ebola and the Quarantine Quandary
November 11, 2014
Stephen Prescott, M.D. “Ebola and the Quarantine Quandary” Like Oklahoma’s weather, the news on Ebola changes quickly. Between the time I write this article and the time you are reading it, the story about this global health crisis will no doubt have moved in many new directions. Still, I feel confident that at least one […]
Posted In: Reflections Articles
A Rotarian Fighting For A Rotarian
November 4, 2014
Mike Turpen “A Rotarian Fighting For A Rotarian” Of course, it’s no secret to anyone reading these words that I’m a Democrat. But I’ve always tried to approach my job from the perspective of what’s right and what’s wrong. A case in point, I believe, goes back to 2001, when Oklahoma’s two Republican senators, Jim […]
Posted In: Reflections Articles