Quality Matters
Cathy O’Connor By now we all probably know which New Year’s resolutions we are truly going to keep and which didn’t make it. The list more than likely contained two of my favorites, lose weight and get back (as if you ever were) in shape. I hope all of you also included and left on […]
Oklahoma City More Than its Downtown
Cathy O’Connor Downtown Oklahoma City’s renaissance receives much of our attention thanks to MAPS, TIF districts and the many other developments that make up OKC’s core. What goes on across the rest of the metro can sometimes get lost in our day-to-day discussion. However, these developments outside of downtown represent an incredibly important part of […]
Service Above Self
By Ron Page Rotary, as an organization, demonstrates “Service Above Self” every day in our ongoing support of countless efforts targeting social and health issues locally and world-wide. But, as individuals, Rotarians perform those little acts that say “Service Above Self” in a more subtle way: returning phone calls promptly in spite of a busy […]